Researchers from Kyoto University gather together
Research Poster Presentation Conference
This 100-person research poster presentation conference removes preconceived notions that tend to judge the content based on the name of the organization or specialty, and incorporates a number of innovations to facilitate the exchange of honest opinions.
Just one image and three questions to answer
There will be no oral presentations, but rather participants will post “one photo” and “three questions” to each other and comment anonymously on each other's work. Posters will be printed and posted by the secretariat. No need to stand in front of the posters. You can come to the venue whenever it is convenient for you during the event period!
A diverse group of people
Various sessions per day are also available
Various sessions and symposiums will be held concurrently, creating not only anonymous but also real encounters. After the event, researchers can be matched with each other or have an off-line social gathering if they wish. In addition, a pamphlet, which can be considered a catalog of researchers, is also produced.
2025/1/27Mon. - 31Fri.
★ Research theme posters are welcome to drop in at any time during the period whenever it is convenient for you (no need to stand in front of your poster; the secretariat will also print and post your poster). (Printing and posting of posters will also be conducted by the secretariat.)
Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall 2F International Hall I
Any researcher affiliated with Kyoto University
Regardless of field, position, fixed term or indefinite term, or any other
Participation Availability
100 people * Registration may close early
if capacity is reached.
All visitors are welcome, including researchers from inside and outside the university, the general public, companies, government, etc.
Free of charge, no reservation required. Kyoto University Please come and be showered with live “questions” from active researchers!We have many researchers, business people, students and graduate students, plus elementary, junior high and high school students who are enthusiastic about inquiry learning, and their teachers, as well as parents.
There are also writers, artists, poets, and others who make their living through expression.
●Opening and each SpecialSession:
Invitation of people who have posted their research themes for casual discussion.
★All sessions are for discussion in Japanese only
●Intersection of questions:
Researchers who have never met each other before introduce themselves to each other. This is a great opportunity to deepen understanding across all disciplines and generations: researchers who have never met each other before introduce themselves to each other.
●Keyword Session:
In this session, researchers who are close to each other in terms of research keywords are gathered from among those who have posted their research themes for in-depth discussions.
There is much to learn from other fields with the same goal but different methods.
● Chattering Time:
This is a time for everyone to share the numbers of interesting research themes:
Share the numbers of interesting research themes with everyone present.
”I'm going to the venue, so I'm hoping to meet new people!
I want to vent my frustration at the posters.”
“I'm going to the venue, so I'm hoping to meet new people!
● Drink Time:
Open to everyone, especially researchers who have posted their research themes! Looking at the posters,
A night for discussion over a can of beer while looking at the posters! (Organized by IMPACT HUB KYOTO)
The speakers for the above events will be invited by the Secretariat. In addition, anyone is welcome to observe and watch!
How to use this “Kyoto University 100 Ronbun”
You will get comments on your posted questions.
Based on those comments, you will refine your own theme!
Research topics will be published in a booklet (notational nature) that will be produced after the project, bringing your questions to a large number of people.
Collaborate and help each other
I hesitate when I hear the word “interdisciplinary,” but if my knowledge and methods can help researchers in other fields...!
Participate in group sessions and chatter time to talk with others who are interested in your questions!
Research Poster Application Details
Any researcher affiliated with Kyoto University
Regardless of field, position, fixed term or indefinite term, or any other
100 people * Registration may close early
if capacity is reached.
The following is an example of a poster in Japanese only, but for posters submitted in English, the Secretariat will display a poster with a Japanese translation of the text below the English text.
In the form of a question, what advice you would like to seek or what topics you would like to discuss in relation to what you would like to do in the future, or any difficulties or difficulties you are currently having.
Describe your research activities with light reference to precedents and similar studies. In addition, describe your future goals, aims, and methods of attack. (300 characters)
One photo that best represents your research topic or interest. Below that, a title and three hashtags (for collaboration) with a maximum of 47 characters.
Please describe your core or originating question (theme) as a researcher in the form of a “wonder”. (300 characters)
pre-entry required
Let's apply for the posting of a research theme! If you are a researcher who is thinking of
First, immediately make a “pre-entry” to secure a place to display your poster.
After that, think carefully until the deadline and submit a full application].
Pre-entry only requires your name, e-mail address, and keywords, and takes only one minute.
主 催
京都大学 学際融合教 育研究推進センター
京都大学 学術展開センター
共 催
京都大学の教員・研究者に御社のアピールをしませんか? 特典として、企業紹介パンフレットの配布、当日パンフレットへのロゴ掲載など! 下記、お問い合わせフォームより
・ 自身の研究テーマについて多角的かつ本質的な意見がほしい
・ まだ見ぬ出会いにワクワクし、思いもよらなかった新しい発見を求めたい
・ このような企画に集う研究者らのコミュニティに参加しておきたい
・ 自分の研究テーマが冊子に掲載されることで少しでも業績化させたいし大勢に伝えたい
・ 本企画に訪れる企業と共同研究につながれたらいい
Can I apply for my research topic in English?
Applications in English are acceptable. But we are very sorry that the detailed explanation on this website is only in Japanese.
ぶっちゃけまだ確定させてませんがw,とびっきりのクリエイター、編集者らとタッグを組んで、誰もが手に取りたくなる冊子を作成予定です。乞うご期待! 完成次第、学内便でお送りします。
でもご安心ください! この企画が成功したら、次は、学生・院生のみの100人論文の実施も可能です。